Will you during your 12-month enrolment period have access to?
Information relevant to an entry-level VET teacher, trainer and assessor about:
- RTO policies and processes relevant to training, assessment and validation
- Clients/Cohorts of learners that you can package a qualification for
- Training and assessment strategies for required training
- Session plans and learning resources that address the requirements of a training product that is nationally recognised or aligned with other recognised frameworks
- A minimum of 4 people for face-to-face, in-person, group-based training ( 3 sessions of 30 minutes required)
- An additional 5th person (cannot be one of the 4 above) to deliver 1-on-1 mentoring, for work-based training needs (3 sessions of 30 minutes required)
- At least 3 Students that can be assessed against at least 2 entire units of competency from a nationally recognised training package or accredited course. This must include access to assessment systems plus current and validated assessment tools, including access to a provided RPL kit
- At least 3 students (can be the same as in previous requirements) to facilitate and assess online learning (2 x 30-minute sessions)
- A TAE Qualified Observer to complete the workplace observer checklist for each practical assignment , your TAE Qualified observer can either be in the same location or live link in from a remote location OR the ability to record your delivery and assessment sessions and upload them to your learner portal