Do you have skills and experience in your area of expertise that you wish to share with others in a recognised capacity?

Do you want to shape the future of your industry by training the next generation of industry experts? If this is you, then the TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training & Assessment is the qualification you should know about.

The TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training & Assessment qualifies you to deliver nationally-accredited vocational training in TAFEs and private Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) as well as in secondary schools with vocational programs.

Find out more about each delivery option by clicking below:

Solo (Online & Self-Directed) Course DETAILSGuided (Online + 1:1 Mentoring) Course DETAILSULTIMATE (online + unlimited 1:1) Course DETAILSRPL/Credit transfer Course DETAILS


Fortress Learning’s TAE50122 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training program is for experienced VET professionals seeking to be responsible for activities such as designing and developing training, advanced training and assessment and VET leadership.

Many are realising they need the Dip VET to be taken seriously as training professionals and can't progress without it.  The Fortress Learning TAE Diploma program is specifically designed for people seeking the opportunity to develop confidence by reflecting deeply on their skills.

While there is a single diploma, there are 3 specialisations which will accompany your TAE50122 Diploma of Vocational Education entry on your transcript, depending on which specialisation you complete:

1. Advanced Training and Assessment
2. Design and Development
3. VET Leadership

Our diploma program is not just a qualification; it's designed to give you the confidence that you actually possess the knowledge and leadership skills that your qualification is meant to represent. Click below to find out about the pre-requisites and more:



Skill Sets give you the necessary knowledge, skills and recognition for just the parts of a TAE qualification that you need to have in order to start working as a trainer or assessor, without having to do the full Certificate IV TAE. Or as a great addition to your TAE Diploma.

FAcilitation Skill SEtWork Skill Instruction Skill SEtAssessor Skill SEtOnline learning and assessment Skill SEtVET Delivered to School Students Teacher Enhancement Skill Set


Do you hold the previous version of the Cert IV TAE, the TAE40116 and wish to upgrade to the TAE40122, or do you hold the TAE40110, and wish to upgrade to the TAE40116?

If this is you, we have both upgrade programs designed especially for you.  Click below to find out more.

CERT iv TAE40110 to TAE40116 UpgradeCERT iv TAE40116 to TAE40122 Upgrade
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